
Monday 2 March 2015

If you objected to the proposed Fourstones Anaerobic Digester plant you should have received a letter from the planning inspectorate about the appeal, I know some people have not . Despite clearly not being approved by the planning committee, being nearly unanimously voted against and attracting hundreds of objections we now have to grind through the appeal process. Unfortunately the appeal system has all the rigour and transparency of a kangaroo court. Greater emphasis is placed on the intentionally vague and ill defined National Planning Policy Framework and will be a relatively ‘informal’ hearing resulting in a report which judging by others on the website will consist of the inspector pontificating wildly and repeating the phrase, “in my opinion” with little evidence to back it up but maybe I am being too cynical.

Martin Goodall (a solicitor specialising in planning law) has produced a wonderful one page guide to objecting which stresses the importance of writing letters of objection for the appeal, “Although the inspector will see letters sent to the council in response to the initial planning application, IT IS GENERALLY ADVISABLE TO WRITE AGAIN TO THE PLANNING INSPECTORATE.” The guidelines for writing letters on his blog page are still very relevant and it would be great if you could reinforce the points made in your earlier letter(s) with even greater emphasis and preferably some new insights. I spoke to Joe Nugent (the NCC planning case officer) this morning who hopes the new planning appeal documents will be on the Northumberland Planning portal website here  this afternoon or as soon as possible (the planning department is massively understaffed,  underfunded and under siege by people who think that planning democracy is all a bit tedious and irrelevant).

If you have the time and patience it would be great if you could demolish their arguments using the NPPF  and the local plan which is on the Northumberland County Council website here  it is also worth reading   and interestingly the anaerobic digestion annual report 2013 -14  published last month notes, ” the number of serious or potentially serious pollution incidents at AD plants remains a serious concern. EA data show that the biowaste treatment sector, particularly AD, had proportionately more serious and significant pollution incidents than the other waste treatment sectors regulated by the EA”. 

It is hoped that a meeting will be arranged in the next couple of weeks organised by those wonderful people at Warden Parish Council for some hard core objectors who can hammer out a list of planning issues and strategies  that can be highlighted in  letters and at the hearing.  I or someone will try to circulate a list as soon as possible.

The deadline for objections is the 27th March 2015 and you can submit yours here which is very similar to the Northumberland site in that you have to register first. You can object in writing and the instructions are in this pdf which also gives general information about the whole appeal process.

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