
Tuesday 25 November 2014

This is a quick reminder for all who may be interested that the planning committee meeting for this proposal is happening on the 2nd December in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Morpeth at 6pm. If you have objected you should have received the letter but I know some haven't (have attached a copy). The planning report is here 
with the recommendation that the application should be refused permission. (yippeee!!).

This does not mean that the committee will agree with that recommendation. If you want to attend the meeting that would be great. If you want to add to the objections you can still do so right up until the committee date but obviously the sooner the better here

I understand that Warden Parish Council is organising someone to speak for that precious five minutes mentioned in the letter (isn't democracy wonderful) ably supported by the indefatigable Michael Guthrie who has been amazing in his tireless forensic analysis of the application, and another big-hitter.